Last Day of ‘the Bear’

It was a bittersweet day, for me.

I honestly felt like nothing mattered (probably because it doesn’t) but I still had meetings to sit in and people to talk to.

What I did:

  • Therapy (Funny timing)
  • A few folks called to wish me luck.
  • WordSesh on Optimization
  • Last DigiComm meeting
  • Went through Google Analytics with Matt and some suggestions on what to look for in hiring someone
  • Drinks at Amici after work with Rob, Matt, Kyle, Andrea, and Jan.

Things I read/listened to:

As I left the building for the last time, it was stormy and the skies were grey. Like the sap that I am, I turned to survey campus. Last day there as an employee, last day there with a purpose for the time being.

I sighed and smiled, and then lightning struck straight ahead of me. I stood there until the thunder caught up.

Conditions are right. It’s time for rain. Time for growth. Time for renewal.