AR and Home Depot

Tuesday really didn’t work out the way I thought it would. I’m not mad about it, I think it worked out the way it was supposed to, but you know how things are — you get an idea in your head and it just explodes in your hands, HA.

I spent the morning going through the IDF courses some more and thoroughly enjoyed the discussions on brainstorming and prototyping. Differentiating between a sketch and a prototype was also good. It’s interesting how little we often spend ideating and mulling over the problem, and how we can be eager to just solve something quickly instead of investing the time in making sure we’re solving the right thing.

After my grandparents woke up, I spent some time with them, taking Grammy to Home Depot and talking to Papa about Monoliths and classic movies.

Also called my Uncle, who is fantastically smart and driven. We had a fun conversation about possibly traveling together next year and the future of art, design, and code. We talked extensively about how AR (Augmented Reality) could help solve some social ills and I now have a cool list of people to follow and learn from. Not to mention another exciting direction to pursue.

Things I’ve bookmarked on my own to read through:

  • Quick Code: 6 tutorials for AR
  • AR 101: The Basics of AR